胡立堂 教授
1994年9月--- 1998年6月中国地质大学(武汉)水工系,水文地质工程地质专业
1998年9月--- 2001年6月中国地质大学(武汉)工程爱游戏马竞官方合作伙伴,环境工程专业
2001年9月--- 2004年6月中国地质大学(武汉)环境爱游戏马竞官方合作伙伴,水文学及水资源专业。
2004年7月--- 2006年6月清华大学水文水资源研究所,水文学及水资源专业,博士后;
(2)国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,基于GRACE和GRACE Follow-On卫星的区域地下水模拟仿真技术研究,2016-2019,项目主持。
(1) 胡立堂,王金生,雷晓辉,滕彦国,岳卫峰,王金枝,沿海地区地下水资源管理研究:以泉州市为例.北京:中国水利水电出版社. 2016.
(2) 胡立堂,王忠静,田伟.干旱内陆河区地表水和地下水集成模型与应用研究.北京:中国水利水电出版社. 2013.
(3) 陈崇希,唐仲华,胡立堂.地下水流数值模拟理论方法及模型设计.北京:地质出版社. 2014.
(4) Yang ZQ, Hu LT*, Sun KN. The potential impacts of a water transfer project on the groundwater system in the Sugan Lake Basin of China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-021-02337-9.
(5) Sun KN, Hu LT*, Guo JL, Yang ZQ, Zhai YZ, Zhang SQ. Enhancing the understanding of hydrological responses induced by ecological water replenishment using improved machine learning models: a case study in the Yongding River. Science of the total Environment, 2021, 768(10):145489.
(6) Yin WJ, Hu LT*, Zheng W, Jiao JJ, Han SC, Zhang ML. Assessing underground water‐exchange between regions using GRACE data. Journal of Geophysical research-atmosphere, 2020. 10.1029/2020JD032570.
(7) Yin WJ, Hu LT*, Zhang ML, Wang JR, Han SC. Statistical downscaling of GRACE-derived groundwater storage using ET data in the North China Plain. Journal of Geophysical research-atmosphere, 2018, 123 5973-5987.
(8) Zhang ML, Hu LT*, Yao LL, Yin WJ. Numerical studies on the influences of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project on groundwater level changes in the Beijing Plain, China. Hydrological Processes, 2018, 32: 1858-1873.
(9) Yin WJ, Hu LT*, Jiao JJ. Evaluation of groundwater storage variations in Northern China using GRACE data. Geofluids, 2017, doi:10.1155/8254824.
(10) Wang JR, Hu LT*, Zhang KN, Pan LH. Numerical studies of CO2and brine leakage into a shallow aquifer through an open wellbore. Hydrogeology Journal, 2017,doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1658-y.
(11) Hu LT, Xu ZX, Huang WD. Development of a river-groundwater interaction model and its application to a catchment in Northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543: 483-500.
(12) Hu LT, Zhang K, Cao XY, Li Y, Guo CB. IGMESH: A convenient irregular-grid-based pre- and post- processing tool for TOUGH2 simulator. Computers & Geosciences, 2016, 95, 11-17.
(13) Hu LT, Jiao JJ. An innovative method to estimate regional-scale hydraulic diffusivity using GRACE data. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016. 61(15):2694-2703.
(14) Hu LT, Jiao JJ. Calibration of a large-scale groundwater flow model using GRACE data: a case study in the Qaidam Basin, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2015, 23:1305-1317.
(15) Hu LT, Jiao JJ. Analytical studies on transient groundwater flow induced by land reclamation using different fill materials. Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28:1931-1938.
(16) Hu LT, Winterfeld PH, Fakcharoenphol P., Wu Y-S. A novel fully-coupled flow and geomechanics model in enhanced geothermal reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013,107: 1-11.
(17) Hu LT, Pan LH, Zhang KN. Modeling brine leakage to shallow aquifer through an open wellbore using T2Well/ECO2N. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2012, 9: 293-401.
(18) Hu LT, Chen CX, Chen XH. Simulation of groundwater flow within observation boreholes for confined aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 2011, 398: 101-108.
(19) Hu LT, Jiao JJ. Modeling the influences of land reclamation on groundwater systems: a case study in Shekou peninsula, Shenzhen, China.Engineering Geology, 2010, 114, 144-153.
(20) Hu LT, Wang ZJ, Tian W, Zhan JS.Coupled surface water-groundwater model and its application in the arid Shiyang River Basin, China.Hydrological Processes,2009,23, 2033-2044.
(21) Hu LT, Jiao JJ, Guo HP. Analytical studies on transient groundwater flow induced by land reclamation.Water Resources Research, 2008,44(11),W11427,doi:10.1029/2008WR006926.(SCI)
(22) 王景瑞,胡立堂*.地下水污染源识别的数学方法研究进展.水科学研究进展,2017,28(6):943-952.
(23) 胡立堂,孙康宁,尹文杰.GRACE卫星在区域地下水管理中的应用潜力综述.地球科学与环境学报, 2016, 38(2): 1-9.
1、《Hydrogeology Journal》中文摘要编辑、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Water Resources Research》等SCI期刊审稿人。