黄启飞 研究员
1992-1996 西南大学资源环境爱游戏马竞官方合作伙伴,理学学士
1996-1999 西南大学资源环境爱游戏马竞官方合作伙伴,工学硕士
1999-2002 中国科爱游戏马竞官方合作伙伴地理科学与资源研究所,工学博士
2002-2004 中国环境科学研究院,助理研究员
2004-2009 中国环境科学研究院,副研究员
2009- 中国环境科学研究院,研究员
2013- 北京师范大学水科学研究院,博士生导师
1. 危险废物鉴别技术
2. 固体废物处置技术
3. 固体废物资源化风险控制
1. 生态环境部重点项目,固体废物及危险废物环境管理, 2022-2024,主持
2. 中央公益科研院所基金科研专项,典型危险废物污染特性与处置技术研究,2022-2023,主持
3. 生态环境部重点项目, 无废城市建设试点工作, 2021-2023, 主持
4. 国家重点研发计划,固废环境资源交互属性与风险调控基础研究,2018-2022,项目负责人
5. 北京市自然科学基金,典型场景下含溴代阻燃剂废物污染释放特征及其机理研究,2017-2018,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金,危险废物水泥窑共处置过程及产品中重金属释放机理研究,2013-2016,主持
7. 国家自然科学基金,准好氧填埋工艺渗滤液氮转化的应用基础研究,2006-2009,主持
8. 联合国环境规划署国际环境管理导则制定项目,Technical guidelines for POP-BDE wastes,2014-2019,主持
1. Jinzhong Yang, Botao Zhang, Lu Tian, Qingqi Die, Fei Wang, Haihui Fu, Yufei Yang, Qifei Huang*. Free radical formation via BDE-209 thermolysis in the precalciner of a cement kiln: Simulation and DFT study. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 905: 167145.
2. Jinzhong Yang, Qingqi Die, Lu Tian, Fei Wang, Xuebing Li, Yufei Yang, Qifei Huang*. Similarity model by matching and cross entropy-driven methods to support tracing source of unknown waste. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2023, 32: 103327.
3. Lu Tian, Tingting Liu, Jinzhong Yang, Haoyue Yang, Zewei Liu, Youcai Zhao, Qifei Huang*, Zechun Huang. Pyrolytic kinetics, reaction mechanisms and gas emissions of waste automotive paint sludge via TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 328: 116962.
4. Weishi Li, Dahai Yan, Li Li*, Zhuoyu Wen, Meijia Liu, Shengxin Lu, Qifei Huang*. Review of thermal treatments for the degradation of dioxins in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash: proposing a suitable method for large-scale processing. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 875, 162565.
5. Weishi Li, Li Li, Zhuoyu Wen, Dahai Yan, Meijia Liu, Qifei Huang*, Zhanheng Zhu. Removal of dioxins from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash by low-temperature thermal treatment: Laboratory simulation of degradation and ash discharge stages. Waste Management. 2023, 168, 45-53.
6. Lu Tian, Kunsen Lin, Youcai Zhao, Chunlong Zhao, Qifei Huang*; Tao Zhou. Combustion performance of fine screenings from municipal solid waste: Thermo-kinetic investigation and deep learning modeling via TG-FTIR. Energy, 2022, 243, 122783.
7. Zewei Liu, Yusen Yan, Tianfeng Lv, Zechun Huang, Tingting Liu, Qifei Huang*; Jinzhong Yang, Yu Chen, Youcai Zhao, Tao Zhou. Comprehensive understanding the emission characteristics and kinetics of VOCs from automotive waste paint sludge in a environmental test chamber. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 429, 128387.
8. Zewei Liu, Yusen Yan, Tingting Liu, Youcai Zhao, Qifei Huang*, Zechun Huang. How to predict emissions of volatile organic compounds from solid building materials? A critical review on mass transfer models. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 302, 114054.
9. Dahai Yan, Li Li, Changhao Cui, Meijia Liu, Xuebing Li, Jinzhong Yang, Lei Zhang, Qifei Huang*, Wenzheng Hu. A field study of dioxins during co–processing of hazardous waste in multicomponent slurry gasifier. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 299, 113584.
10. Weishi Li, Ya Xu, Qifei Huang*, Yuqiang Liu, Jingcai Liu. Antioxidant depletion patterns of high-density polyethylene geomembranes in landfills under different exposure conditions. Waste Management, 2021, 121,365-372.
11. Weishi Li, Zechun Huang, Yuqiang Liu, Qifei Huang*, Ya Xu, Lu Dong, Jingcai Liu. Evaluation of low-medium temperature pretreatment on the removal efficiency of organic toxic pollutants from pesticide waste salts: Characteristics, regularity, and key factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 316, 128118.
12. Jinzhong Yang, Yufei Yang, Zhen Xie, Haibin Yu, Qifei Huang*, Ya Xu, Jie He, Tao Wen, Qingqing Liu. Ca2+ mediated mechanism of octa-brominated dioxin/furan formation via BDE-209 thermolysis: Introducing the Mayer bond order difference. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 400, 123229.
13. Jinzhong Yang, Haibin Yu, Zhen Xie, Yufei Yang, Xiaoyan Zheng, Jingxing Zhang, Qifei Huang*, Tao Wen, Jianyuan Wang. Pathways and inflfluential factors study on the formation of PBDD/Fs during co-processing BDE-209 in cement kiln simulation system. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 192, 110246.
14. Rui Xiang, Jingcai Liu, Ya Xu, Yuqiang Liu, Changxin Nai, Lu Dong, Qifei Huang* Framework, method and case study for the calculation of end of life for HWL and parameter sensitivity analysis. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 19509.
15. Xuebing Li, Li Li, Yuying Du, Meijia Liu, Qifei Huang*, Jinzhong Yang, Lianghua Tang, Dahai Yan. Chemical industrial kilns used for co-processing of hazardous waste: low environmental risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs). Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8(5), 104312.
16. Qingqi Die, Zhiqiang Nie, Qifei Huang*, Yufei Yang, Yanyan Fang, Jinzhong Yang, Jie He. Concentrations and occupational exposure assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in modern Chinese e-waste dismantling workshops. Chemosphere,2019, 214, 379-388.
17. Zhenwu Tang, Miao Chai, Jiali Cheng, Yuwen Wang, Qifei Huang*. Occurrence and Distribution of Phthalates in Sanitary Napkins from Six Countries: Implications for Women’s Health. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 13919?13928.
18. Yuying Du, Qifei Huang*, Dahai Yan, Li Li., Meijia Liu. Behavior of mercury in a multicomponent slurry gasifier: effects of waste cogasification and water redox condition. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(6), 5129?5134.
19. Zhenwu Tang, Qifei Huang*, Zhiqiang Nie, Yufei Yang. Pollution threatens migratory shorebirds. Science, 2015, 350(6265):1176.
20. Zhenwu Tang, Qifei Huang*, Yufei Yang. China: Overhaul rules for hazardous chemicals. Nature, 2015, 525(7570):455-455.
1. 黄启飞,陈超,李丽. 面向“无废”的工业固体废物管理,清华大学出版时,2024
2. 黄启飞,高兴保.中国智能城市环境发展战略,浙江大学出版社,2017.
3. 岳波,黄启飞.生活垃圾准好氧填埋关键技术研究,2016.
4. 黄启飞,杨子良,张信伟,聂志强. 重点行业二噁英控制技术手册(II),中国环境科学出版社,2015
5. 王兴润,颜湘华,黄启飞. 美国超级基金制度与国内污染场地评估案例,中国环境出版社, 2014.
1. 国家危险废物鉴别专家委员会,主任委员
2. 生态环境部危险废物鉴别与风险控制重点实验室,主任
3. 中国环境科学学会固体废物分会,副主任委员
4. 《环境工程技术学报》,副主编
5. 《环境卫生工程》,副主编
1 国家“万人计划”中青年科技创新领军人才
2 生活垃圾焚烧飞灰解毒调控与建材化利用关键技术与应用,环境保护科学技术奖,二等奖,排名第1,2023年
3 危险废物水泥窑协同处置关键技术与应用,环境保护科学技术奖,二等奖,排名第2,2019年
4 典型危险废物污染控制与资源化关键技术及应用,教育部科技进步奖,二等奖,排名第2, 2018年
5 固体废物资源化环境安全评价与风险控制,环境保护科学技术奖,一等奖,排名第1,2016年
6 基于区域产业结构和物质流的大宗固体废物资源化技术,环境保护科学技术奖,二等奖,排名第1,2015年
7 固废处理处置及特征污染物控制机理与方法,教育部自然科学奖,一等奖,排名第4,2015年
8 危险废物鉴别技术体系研究,环境保护科学技术奖,二等奖,排名第2,2008年
1. 国家危险废物名录(2021年版)
2. GB34330-2017 固体废物鉴别标准 通则
3. UNEP Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of PBDEs wastes,2014
4. UNEP Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of HBCD wastes,2014
5. GB 30485-2013 《水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准》
6. HJ 662-2013 《水泥窑协同处置固体废物环境保护技术规范》
7. QT 5161101 《二噁英污染防治技术政策》
8. HJ/T 300-2007 固体废物 浸出毒性浸出方法 醋酸缓冲溶液法
9. HJ/T 299-2007 固体废物 浸出毒性浸出方法 硫酸硝酸法
10. GB 5085.3-2007 危险废物鉴别标准 浸出毒性鉴别
11. HJ/T 298-2007 危险废物鉴别技术规范